Red Sky at Night Sailor’s Delight!
Evening before our departure from PT we were invited to a shrimp oyster clam feast with the Anderson brothers. and old friend Rich Jones at their place on the Duckabush River in Brinnon. Thank you boys! When we got home the sun was dropping below the dark rain clouds and lighting up a complete rainbow circle, it looked like a force field dome over our vessel, the good Tarani. Surely a good omen.

Farewell Port Townsend, if only for a little while!
Had a wonderful motor/sail up Rosario Strait to Anacortes. Turns out it was Trawler Fest weekend. Amazing expensive yachts. After changing fuel filters and getting settled we made it to the Brown Lantern Ale House in time for happy hummus plate. Definitely one of the best we’ve ever had. Try ’em out if you’re in this town.
Met darling daughter Dena and manfriend Andrew at the Lantern but then moved next door to Frida’s Gourmet Mexican for dinner. Incredible restaurant! Large portraits of Frida Kahlo and all sorts of tributes to her honor bedecking the atmosphere. If you’re appreciative of amazing service AND amazing food, come have a cerveza de los muertos with these good folks.
Saturday’s early morning departure from Anacortes was tolerable thanks to Karen’s blueberry pancakes. Nothing says lovin’ like blueberry pancakes with maple syrup!
Crew decision was to make for Canada as soon as possible to explore opportunities for escape should Donald Trump (the fascist racist reality TV clown mortherforker) ever win elected office.
When crossing Boundary Pass near Turn Point monitor and be ready to communicate on Victoria Traffic Channel, VHF 11. Closest Point of Approach with this loaded vessel outbound for Japan was less than one mile. Since our course was crossing his bow we called the vessel, provided our course and speed, and asked for approval of our plan to cross his path. (Objects in picture may actually be much bigger than they seem to appear to be, even when they appear to be humongous.)

Weather was a bit rough to sit on the public dock at Ganges but it was tolerable with enough fenders and lines. And it settled down after sunset. Beautiful scenes as the finishers of the round-Saltspring sail race were coming home, flying spinnakers in 20 knot wind and lit up by the setting sun. Hand-cranked margaritas and truly scrumptious (remember Truly Scrumptious?) vegan tacos capped off the evening in a nice way.
This trip’s off to a nice start.